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Small-Medium Business Corporate Structure Strategy

As small businesses grow and mature there are a unique set of corporate structuring issues that arise. Very few handle this correctly or are structured to handle this correctly.

Corporate structure for small business can be as important as it is for larger businesses. OnlineCapital Consulting has over 20 years experience, specifically dealing with small and medium businesses. We have seen, know and understand all of the issues that SME has to deal with.

Our Corporate Structure Strategy product has three aims:

  1. Ensure that all of the relevant parties understand where they fit currently in the corporate structure.
  2. Ensure that the corporate structure actually achieves the goals of the relevant parties – now and in the future
  3. Optimise the structure for taxes and other potential benefits – both for the business and the stakeholders
  4. Provide a plan that everyone understands in the event of a death, disaster, or other problem.

Contact us for a free 30 minute consultation including:

  • Initial consultation
  • discussion of the existing structure and agreements (if any)
  • Outlining the future needs of the business including, entities, shareholding, agreements, insurances and contingencies
  • Implementation plan

What does it cost?

Nothing but 30 minutes of your time